Posted: 2 years ago Quote
Us-east-1.amazonaws over port 8080 over port 995 over port 587 over port 993 9. A threat AWS Dumps assessment has identified a risk whereby an internal employee could exfiltrate sensitive data from production host running inside AWS (Account 1). The threat was documented as follows: Threat description: A malicious actor could upload sensitive data from Server X by configuring credentials for an AWS account (Account 2) they control and uploading data to an Amazon S3 bucket within their control. Server X has outbound internet access configured via a proxy server. Legitimate access to S3 is required so  AWS Dumps that the application can upload encrypted files to an S3 bucket. Server X is currently using an IAM instance role. The proxy server is not able to inspect any of the server communication due to TLS encryption. Which of the following options will mitigate the threat? (Choose two.)